The most attractive feature is that the Incubator is located in the Biomedical Technology Wing campus of SCTIMST and will become part of the nurturing ecosystem for concept to commercialisation of a medical device.

- Office space on rental- modular office/ hot desks with common reception service, address, electrical power (light duty), A/C (work in progress), internet connectivity
- Laboratory facility - Wet lab for chemical, polymer, biochemistry, biotechnology, ceramic & related projects with reagent racks, fume hood, facility of laboratory gases, electrical power and basic equipment such as weighing balance, refrigerator, heater, stirrer, oven, shaker, air compressor/vacuum
- Laboratory facility - Dry lab for electro-mechanical, instrumentation projects with electrical power (light loads), internet connectivity
- Clean work space (class 10,000 area and class 100 laminar flow work bench) – for final assembly or manufacturing process and also shareable clean/non clean work space for cleaning, drying, packaging and sterilization
- Specialized Utilities for Medical Device production such as reagent water, ultrasonic component cleaning equipment, sealers for medical device packing and ETO/ Steam sterilizers